Our Discord Bot

All Monsters Stats

Get stats, early/late set runes, skills, number of skill-up of any monsters.

Compatible SWAFARM

Link your Discord account with your SWAFARM.com profile with only one command. Then share your mobs to your guild !

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We maintain all monsters stats up-to-date.


Guilded Servers






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Commands List

Command Option Example Description
!sw {monster} !sw Feng Yan Get monsters stats, early runes and late runes.
!swcomment {monster} !swcomment Feng Yan Get best comments about this monster.
!swcomment {monster} {comment} !swcomment Feng Yan Amazing monster ! :) Let a comment about this monster
!swup {id comment} !swup 14 Upvote a comment.
!swsetprofile {profile_name} !swsetprofile Sheisou Set your SWARFARM.com profile name !
!swme {monster_name} !swme Chandra Get a monster from your monsters.
!swgetmonster {monster_name} {swafarm_profile_name} !swgetmonster Chandra Raphii82 Get a monster from an other player !
!swhelp or !help !swhelp Get help and the link of this page.